Tiger Tech Tools

Tiger Tech Tools Tuesday
Have you ever sat at your computer and thought "I just wish I knew how to...." Or watched a six year old navigate a pc and think "wow, how do they know THAT?"
In an effort to provide more training opportunities, we are pleased to announce the start of Tech Tools Tuesday! (If this were on TV, this is the part where you would hear the echo.....)
What is Tech Tools Tuesday? These trainings will cover a variety of topics including: effective web searches, Microsoft Office tips & tricks, BYOT strategies, Smartboard lessons and much more. These trainings will not be limited to strictly classroom use. Several trainings will cover just basic computer, how-do-I information.
Tech Tools Tuesdays are not mandatory, but are for users who just wish they had more time and training to effectively use technology both at school and in their daily lives. They are open to all Sealy ISD employees. 
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