Fire Prevention



  1. No open flames allowed except in science and shop classrooms as part of the curriculum.
  1. No combustible material or decorations placed within 36 inches (horizontally or vertically) of classroom or other egress doors.
  2. Combustible materials (paper) not to exceed 20% of any wall in non-sprinklered buildings.
  3. Combustible materials (paper) not to exceed 50% of any wall in sprinklered buildings.
  4. No combustibles can be stored within 18 inches of the ceiling in a sprinklered building.
  5. No combustibles can be stored within 24 inches of the ceiling in a non sprinklered building.
  6. No items are permitted to be hung from ceiling tiles or the ceiling grid.
  7. No colored paper or other material can be placed inside of  overhead light fixtures.
  8. Flash-fire items (e.g., wood shavings, live-cut Christmas trees, hay bales) are not permitted  inside the school building.
  9. Spontaneously combustible materials [oiled fabric or shop rags, high intensity light fixtures, combustible liquids, steel wool, or combustible metals], must be stored in an airtight metal container
  10. Do not paint ceiling tiles as this affects their fire retardant properties.
  11. No plug-in air fresheners having caution label for “Electrical Shock” or “Fire ‘Hazard”
  12. All hallways, corridors, stairways, and classrooms must have a 36 inch wide egress path.
  13. Classroom lights should not be covered in any way which reduces their light levels.
  14. All paint used as part of curriculum needs to be stored and locked in a fire cabinet designated for flammable materials.
  15. All electrical panels in storage spaces must be provided with a  3-foot clearance on all sides plus a clear 3-foot path between the panel and the space door.
  16. Electrical equipment should be plugged directly into a wall socket or power strip.   
  17. Power strips must be plugged directly into an outlet and not ‘daisy chained’ or plugged one into another.   
  18. Extension cords must have a grounded plug (three prongs), be of heavy gauge, and be used for temporary (less than 8-hours) applications only.   
  19. Do not obstruct hallways, corridors, stairways, or vestibules. Egress paths must remain unobstructed at all times.   
  20. Personal space heaters are discouraged. If used the exposed element must be a minimum of 36 inches from all combustible surfaces (measured horizontally and vertically).   
  21.  Christmas LED strand lights are allowed during December only, and only while staff are present in the building.
  22. All staff should learn the location of the nearest fire extinguisher and how to use it.    
  23. All staff should lean the  primary and secondary emergency egress routes, and have an egress map posted in every child-occupied space.   
  24. Combustibles cannot be stored in electrical closets


  1. Personal Protective Equipment should be available, in good condition, and used as required
  2. All pressurized gas cylinders must be stored upright and properly secured
  3. All hazardous chemicals must be properly labeled, dated, and stored.
  4. Maintaining appropriate housekeeping is essential to reducing trips, falls, and daily cleaning
  5. All electrical equipment and appliances should be powered down at the end of each day.
  6. Floor surfaces should be kept free of loose paper, small items, and spills to reduce slip-trip-fall hazards.
  7. Desk drawers, cabinet doors, and file drawers should not be left open while unattended. 
  8. Open only one drawer at a time to prevent tipping over filing cabinets
  9. Chairs, wastebaskets, and other items should not be left in common paths of travel where they may become a tripping hazard.
  10. Do not stand on chairs or desks.  If needed obtain a step stool from the custodial staff.
  11. Get assistance when lifting or moving heavy items.
  12. Heavy items should be stored on appropriately rated shelving that is at a height near your body's center of mass.
  13. Gloves should be worn when providing first aid, or handling chemicals that may pose a skin-contact hazard.
  14. Aprons and googles should be worn while working with chemicals in labs.
  15. Equipment with missing or modified safety features are not to be used.
  16. Exit doors should not be left open when unattended.
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