Meal Prices

Meal Prices


Sealy ISD participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. Both of these are federally assisted meal programs that provide nutritionally balanced low-cost or free lunches to approximately 31 million children each day.

Parents and guardians are HIGHLY encouraged to complete the Free & Reduced application located on our website as soon as possible.

Each year, School Food Authorities (such as Child Nutrition at Sealy ISD) must review their paid lunch revenue to ensure compliance with the paid lunch equity requirements of the United States Department of Agriculture. School districts are reimbursed for meals served to school children, but not for meals served to adults, including teachers. In fact, federal guidelines state that adult meals must be priced so that it is sufficient to cover the cost to produce the meal. Those expenses include food, wages, benefits, supplies and equipment.

School food authorities must ensure that the federal reimbursements, children's payments and donated commodities do not subsidize program meals served to adults whatsoever. Our ability to serve reduced-price meals to students would be jeopardized if it were discovered that adults were paying the student price.

The United States Department of Agriculture and the Texas Department of Agriculture conducts periodic audits of all school districts utilizing the programs to ensure that all standards are being met and the district can continue utilizing the funds to feed children healthy meals.

Secondary Meal Prices




Full Price



Reduced Price




Elementary Meal Prices




Full Price



Reduced Price



Adult Meal Prices




Full Price



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